Sports Premium

Our PE Vision Statement

At Downton, we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of our pupils. We believe that an innovative, varied PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of our pupils. Physical Education and sport clearly contribute to the holistic development of young people and through participation in sport and physical education, the pupils learn more about key values such as teamwork, fair play and respect for themselves and others.

There is significant evidence to show the positive effects of sport and exercise on pupil's health, growth and development. Furthermore, sport also provides a healthy environment for young people to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope with both winning and losing.

Our aim is to use the Sports' Premium Grant to ensure that our staff are equipped with sustainable skills and the necessary school-based resources to lead high quality PE. We work in close partnership with Premier Sport who provide us with highly skilled coaches, they work alongside our staff with the expectation that over time, the teachers will lead these activities themselves. Sport Premium funding is secure in the short-term, but we cannot rely on this and as such, the school is ensuring that all teachers are skilled in the delivery of the curriculum.

What is Sport Premium?

The government announced that it was providing funding of £150 million per annum from 2013/14, to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The funding has been jointly provided by the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The objective of the grant is to improve the quality of sport and PE for all pupils.

At Downton our overall aim will be to improve the quality and breadth of PE provision for all pupils, raising achievement and ensuring a lasting impact. Our new playgrounds offer increased capacity for sports facilities and after school exercise.

We are committed to ensuring that Sport Premium Funding has a lasting impact at Downton. We fund additional Sport Premium release time, from the Sport Premium grant to enable teachers to prepare our children to enjoy sport competitively and to support the monitoring of PE teaching.